Thank you for checking in on my blog. The idea of this blog is to keep you up to date on my cancer journey. I will also post some personal thoughts from time to time. Whatever I post, know that it is written with love. Also, know that it might be written with some of my wit. So it might not be grammatically or politically correct.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Wednesday, July 18

Diane and I voted yesterday. I was pleased to learn this morning that many of the folks that I voted for won. Of course, this was only a primary, so these people will have to run against another opponent in November. As we voted I had two thoughts.
One: What a great country we live in! We get to vote for our leaders. Our choice, our vote, does count.
Two: As I looked at the names of those running for local offices, I thought about much I admire anyone who wants to serve their community in this way. City Council, Mayor and offices such as these are thankless jobs, I am sure. But I am thankful that someone has the passion to do it.

The Bible says that we should pray for those in authority. Today I pray for those who are currently serving, in whatever capacity, to lead our community. I pray that his/her passion and commitment is in the right place and focused on serving the way that Christ would have them to serve.

What is your passion? How are you serving?
Lord, let it begin with Jerry.

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