Thank you for checking in on my blog. The idea of this blog is to keep you up to date on my cancer journey. I will also post some personal thoughts from time to time. Whatever I post, know that it is written with love. Also, know that it might be written with some of my wit. So it might not be grammatically or politically correct.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Wednesday, February 29

I don't feel well at all today. That's okay. It is part of this journey that I am travelling. Some days are better than others. The last couple of days have been pretty good, so I was due for a physically down day.
Still, as the GC Choir sings, I never lost my joy, my praise. Because, as the GC Worship Team sings, I am trading my sorrows, my sickness, my shame and my pain, for the joy of the LORD.
Besides that, today is "leap day" on the calendar. You only get a chance to have a February 29th every four years or so. So I am celebrating leap day in the Lord.

We all have "down days." How do you look at yours?
Hint: It's all about HIM!

Monday, February 27, 2012

Monday, February 27

What a great day at GC Church yesterday! I was able to preach both services. And today has been a good day as well. I went to breakfast with my preacher buddies, and then visited my Kitty friends. If I ever doubt whether or not I am loved, I know that I have some special KAHC friends who will reassure me of their love and friendship. They are a special group of people to me.
Speaking of feeling loved, yesterday I shared with my church family how I have really felt their love and support over these past months. Many of you follow this blog, and literally hundreds of others have expressed their thoughts and prayers.

Jesus said that the way that others will know that we are His disciples is by the way that we love one another. I know some real Jesus people!!!

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Saturday, February 25

I do believe that I am feeling better every day. My digestive system seems to be getting back to somewhat normal. Although, I can hardly remember what that feels like. It seems like a long time since I have felt physically normal. I am still very fatigued. I will be glad when that too, passes.
I like Saturdays. Most folks have the day off. Many folks sleep in or lounge around slowly on Saturday mornings. I hope that you take a day now and then just to rest. I have discovered that rest is more important than I thought.
Jesus said something like, come to me and I will give you rest. Did you know that there is a place and a person to whom you can go to rest?

Thursday, February 23, 2012

February 23

God is good! All the time! I was able to preach last night! I am really tired today because of it, but it is a great tired feeling. I so appreciate my gc family.
Yesterday my good friend, Terry Johnson shared with me that he attended the National Broadcaster's Convention in Nashville, Tn. He said that people from all over the world were asking how his pastor was doing, and reminding him that they are praying for me. Prayer is a powerful tool folks. Thank you so much for your prayers from right here in my family and friends in Wayne County, to wherever they originate.
I am one blessed man!

Can you say that? Can you say that you are blessed? 

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Wednesday, February 22

Yesterday went well. We saw our doctors and all agree with the plan. I will be home, building my strength, gaining weight, and getting back to normal before before getting any more treatments. Keep in mind that the treatments that I have been taking are for preventative measure. So in the meantime, we will have regular scans and tests done to make sure that nothing new is showing up. I am looking forward to the next few weeks.
Today is "Ash Wednesday." (you might even see some folks walking around with a cross on their forehead) The meaning behind this Holy Day is simply this. Is there anything that is keeping you from becoming as close to God as you possibly can? Not that you are not close to God. Not that you are not saved. Not that you are not a good person. But are you as close to God as you could be? If you can put your finger on any one thing that you need to give to God, but you just have not been able to do it, then give it to God for the 40 days during Lent; that is from today until Easter.
Whatever you give up, remember that God has something better in its place.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Monday 20, Feb

Here are our plans for this week. No chemo or radiation treatments for the next several days. We rest at home this week. But we do go to Duke tomorrow (Tues) for a check-up.
This Wednesday is "Ash Wednesday" in the Christian Church year. Ash Wednesday service at 7:00 is always a special time together. My plans are to lead the service at GC Church.
However; we do know that our plans and God's plans are not always the same plan. Hope to see you on Wednesday evening. But whether I do or whether I don't - I know that I will be in God's plan.

I hope that you understand that God has a plan for you also, and that you are willing to surrender to his plan. Have you ever thought about what that really means - really?

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Sunday, February 19

I am sorry, my blog friends, that I have not posted until today. The fact is, we hit a real bump in the road on Friday after we got home. Actually, stomach cramps and severe pain began on Thursday night. So I spent Friday night and last night at Wayne Memorial. They took good care of me. Looks like it was some sort of bowel blockage.
At WMH, I know a lot of folks by name. Sometimes it comes in handy to know someone. But then again, it always comes in handy to know The One.
I hope that you know Him. He has been with me over these past weeks for sure.
I am home now, and hope to stay here for awhile. Thank you for your prayers.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Thursday, February 16

Went to the Duke Clinic this morning and received 2 bags of fluid, along with some other stuff. I feel so much better. Then we came home, where we plan to stay. We checked out of Caring House. It was sad to leave some friendships that we made there. Dawn Woody, and the staff and volunteers there are truly "caring" people. When we resume treatments, we will be driving back and forth to Durham.
Somehow, someway, God has a big plan in all of this. The people that we met and the friendships that we made are no accidents. The people that have loved us through this journey are no accidents. In fact, there are no accidents in God's arena.

God is always a step (or a thousand steps) ahead of us. Do you trust Him?

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Wednesday, February 15

Here is where we are. I am still not well enough from the c-diff bacteria to resume treatments this week. We will plan to start back next Monday. As I have said before, this has nothing to do with cancer. It does have to do with cancer treatments. A combination of Chemo and Radiation weakened my immune system so that this bug could show his ugly stuff. I did not get this bug from you. You cannot get it from me (unless you play around in my toilet, which ain't likely).

Since the doctors predict that I should grow stronger until I resume treatment, I have a very special sermon planned for Sunday. So many people have asked about the relationship that Diane and I have, and how we are able to maintain our love day after day. There really is a secret to long lasting love. We plan to share that secret on Sunday morning. It has much to do with our love for Christ and His love for us, both individually and as one.

Do you have that kind of relationship with another person? With Jesus?

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Tuesday, February 14

Happy Valentine's Day to all of you. You are all very special people. Did you know that Jesus wants to be your Valentine? As Max Lucado once said, "If God had a refrigerator, your picture would be on it."
He has sent you the ultimate Valentine message. "I love you - written in red." He died for you.

Whom do you love enough to actually die for?

Monday, February 13, 2012

Monday, Feb 13

Monday is the beginning of a brand new week! I am certain that the Lord has some special things in store for me and for you this week. As for me, I am laying off of my treatments, resting at home, until Wednesday. Pray for good recovery and then a smooth transition back into my routine.
Or better yet, pray for God to show me what He wants me to learn this day, and this week.

What has God got in store to show you this week?

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Sunday, February 12

 A GC pastor who is not at GC on Sunday morning is like a fish out of water. That being said, I feel so much better yesterday and today than I have in weeks. Drs said for me to avoid crowds this weekend. But next weekend, I plan to be back with my people. I can hardly wait! A huge thanks to Gabe and the rest of the team for taking care of worship today. The GC people are blessed, for sure. And I am of all people most blessed. Make no mistake about it. God has more for me to do. I will be back in the pulpit soon.

Are you as excited about being a part of worship as you should be?

Friday, February 10, 2012

Friday, February 10

I escaped the hospital. I am at home. I feel as week as a "wet noodle," as my Granny used to say. Still, it is good to be here. I am thankful for the many prayers of my many friends and family. Keep em up. They work.
Sometimes when we don't feel like praying, the Holy Spirit prays for us. The Father also listens to the prayers of those who pray for us. Have you ever felt like God was answering the prayer of someone else who was praying for you?
Aren't you glad that they prayed?

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Thursday, February 9

Finally, a better night last night. No fever. Limited nausea. Maybe tomorrow I can get out of the hospital and spend a few days in my own home. There is something special about being home, don't you think? Makes my heart hurt for those who have no home, or for the person whose home is not a special, pleasant and peaceful place.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Wednesday, February 8

We are feeling a bit more alive today. I think that this thing is finally turning around. I sure am ready for it to. Not that I can't handle the stuff that is going on. But each day that I am in the hospital, I am not getting treatments. Bummer. We had some welcomed visitors from the GC WICs group yesterday. They were just what Diane needed at the time. We are so blessed with special people in our lives.

Do you have some special people in your life? Have you told them how special they are lately?

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Tuesday, February 7

Still in the hospital. Still fighting this bacteria. It has not been pleasant at all. Today we are going to do some more abdominal scans to make sure that nothing else is going on.
On the days that I don't post, it is because there has been no improvement and I still feel like crap. Praying that today will be the day that things turn around.
My forward progress is not going as quickly as I would like. But I am reminded that, it isn't about me. It's all about Him.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Sunday, February 5

I cannot believe that I have not posted since Thursday. I apologize. The purpose of this blog is to keep you up to date. Actually, you are up to date. I am still in the hospital. I am still fighting an intentestinal bacteria. It has pretty much shut any other activities down. I am pretty much in the bed or the bathroom all day. Nights are worse. I spike a fever, one night over 103f. Every day the doctors say that they are going to try do this or do that. They are telling me that I just have to be patient.
Patience? Patience? I have faith. I have hope. I have trust. Now you want me to have patience?
Ahhh, another lesson from my Lord. And I will learn this one also.

I will try to do better as I update more often. I miss my GC family even more on Sundays, of course.

Do you need patience? Be careful what you ask for. It might happen.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Thursday, February 2

Still holed up in a hospital room. Symptoms are better. But they have to get even better before they let me go home. Pray that tomorrow all of that will happen so that I can.
One of my biggest concerns was that when I am in the hosptial, I am not taking treatments. But today, they took me downstairs and gave me a radiation treatment. Thank you Lord. I will have to make up the last two that I missed, but at least I am going forward. And you know me. I like going forward. AND, if you know me, I believe that you are always going forward or going backward. You cannot stand still.

Have you gone forward today? Have grown closer to God? Or have you gone backward? Have you grown farther from God? There is no such thing as standing still. Try looking inward, searching upward, and reaching outward. That will do it every time. I am living proof.

Continued thanks for your thoughts and prayers.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Wednesday, February 1

Not a lot of real fun the last couple of days. On Tuesday when we went to see our chemo doc, I was very dehydrated, so they figured that I needed some IV fluid. They also discovered that one of the causes of my dehydration was that I was "running at both ends" (as my granny used to say) I have an intestional bacteria. So while I am still in the hospital I am getting antibiotics. So it looks like I might be in the hospital until Thursday or Friday.
Thank you for your prayers. Have you ever had a bump in the road that seemed more like a mountain than a bump. Well, when you do, don't forget that Jesus is God of the bump and of the mountain. I will get there. Diane and Jesus is all I need. (you can't have Diane, but there is enough of Jesus to go around)
After all,
It's all about Him!