Thank you for checking in on my blog. The idea of this blog is to keep you up to date on my cancer journey. I will also post some personal thoughts from time to time. Whatever I post, know that it is written with love. Also, know that it might be written with some of my wit. So it might not be grammatically or politically correct.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Monday, July 30

I think that my couple of days rest did me a world of good. Besides being so thankful for God's creation and those whom He has given to me to share, I feel better physically than I have in several weeks. I was strong all day yesterday; two Spirit-filled services, lunch with the family, a meaningful gathering of my vision team, and then Diane and I visited some new friends in the GC family. Thank you Lord, for abundant life both now and eternally.

During our visit last evening with this great couple, we discovered that Ben was diagnosed with cancer and had surgery almost five years ago. He is approaching his "cancer free" mark. I have a while to go before I reach that mark, but I am pressing on toward that goal.
I have found that all cancer survivors that I have met share a common thread. Whenever we have a pain anywhere in our body, we "wonder" if there is something going on with cancer. Living with cancer can be a stressful thing. I don't care who you are, it can make you have stinkin' thinkin'. But for me, those thoughts don't last very long. I know who is in charge of whatever happens to me, and I trust Him and His plan for my life. After all, it is all about Him!

What you are going to face today might not be cancer, but it might be something very stressful. You might not be able to stop your stinkin' thinkin' for a while. But can you trust Him? As my four year old Sally Ann says, "Oh yes you can!"

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Friday, Saturday July 27,28

God has really given me a special gift the last couple of days. On Wednesday, Diane and I spent the day enjoying His creation. We rode to the beach, had lunch on the water, walked on the beach and enjoyed the ride there and back. Everywhere we looked we saw beauty. On Friday, Gabe and I, along with two of his coworkers, played golf at a beautiful golf course. (Great job Brad Edens, golf course supt.) We had a fun time. I don't know how many times that I told Gabe how beautiful God's scenery was that day. Yes, it got hot near the end of our round, but it was well worth that little inconvenience. As for how I have physically handled it, I had pretty good stamina. And this morning, I feel great.

God's beauty, my physical ability to enjoy it, and special people to enjoy it with. Life it good because "It's all about Him!" I am one blessed man.

Oh, and you are blessed also. He created His beauty and has put special people in your life. He has given you the ability to enjoy it. Have you done that lately?

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Wednesday, July 25

Forty one years ago God looked down on me and said, "Here is the best blessing you will ever receive." Somehow he put it in Diane Vinson's heart to marry me - for better, for worse; for richer, for poorer; in sickness and in health. She and I have experienced all of those circumstances, and she has always been there. I think that she might agree with something that Ruth Graham, wife of Billy Graham once said when asked if she had ever consider divorcing Billy. Here reply was, "divorce never; murder maybe."

There is nothing that I can give her today more precious than my time. So we plan to spend the entire day together.

If you have someone you love, there is nothing more precious than time. Give them some.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Monday, July 23

Listening to my body, like listening to my wife, is a good thing. As I shared on my last post, I have had a few days of not feeling so well physically. On Friday I ran a low grade fever and was in some pain. Now, I don't know that Dr. Diane is always right. Okay, so she is always right, but on Friday I backed out of a fishing trip that was planned for Saturday. (That caused more pain) I spent some extra time in prayer. Then I spent all day Saturday simply resting, or at least that's what I called it. Anyway, what I did has certainly made a difference. I had a great day yesterday. We preached two services, went to lunch with my family, and met with my vision team yesterday evening. I felt strong all day. God is good!!!

Yesterday, I used this illustration. Many years ago Mr. Reese took some Hershey chocolate and combined it with his peanut butter and made an awesome new thing called Reese's Peanut Butter Cup. I shared a 1980's Reese's TV commercial about how two people, one who's passion was chocolate and one who's passion was peanut butter, ran into each other and got the chocolate and peanut butter mixed. The result was a Reese's Cup. My question was this. What would happen if we took our chocolate (passion) and combined it with God's passion (peanut butter)? What new thing could God do with that?

For me, my passion is my calling to pastoral ministry. When I mix it with what God wants me to do, I have strength to do it. I think that is what happened yesterday. Some Reese's Cups were made. I don't know how it will all turn out, but God does. Thank you Lord for using my chocolate.

What are you doing with your chocolate today?

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Friday, Saturday, July 20,21

The last couple of days have not been very good ones for me physically. I am still confident in the Lord's healing, so not to worry. It's all about Him.
Like everyone else on the planet, I am saddened by the shootings at the theater in Arizona. As I was wondering what we can make of this I found this blog through FaceBook. I don't know this lady, but I think that she has put everything into perspective. Here are some excerps from her blog.

(Maybe, just maybe God spared my life because He loves YOU and wants you to hear this..He wants you to believe that He loved you so much He gave His only begotten Son that if you would believe in Him you would have eternal life.)
So, you still believe in a merciful God?” Some of the comments online are genuinely inquisitive, others are contemptuous in nature. Regardless of the motive behind the question, I will respond the same way.
Yes. Yes, I do indeed. Absolutely, positively, unequivocally. Let’s get something straight: the theater shooting was an evil, horrendous act done by a man controlled by evil. God did not take a gun and pull the trigger in a crowded theater. He didn’t even suggest it. A man did. In His sovereignty, God made man in His image with the ability to choose good and evil. Unfortunately, sometimes man chooses evil.

I was there in theater 9 at midnight, straining to make out the words and trying to figure out the story line as The Dark Night Rises began. I’m not a big movie-goer. The HH and I prefer to watch movies in the comfort of our own home…where I can use subtitles and get a foot rub. I don’t like action movies. And I don’t like midnight showings. But, as I wrote in my last post, parents sometimes make sacrifices for their kiddos and I decided I would take my fourteen year old and sixteen year old daughters who were chomping at the bit to see this eagerly anticipated third movie in the Batman Trilogy. Twice I had the opportunity to back out and twice I was quite tempted. But something in me said just go with your girls. I did. So I was there with them, fidgeting in my seat, some forty or fifty feet away from the man with the gun. It’s still a bit surreal, but I do know that when the seemingly endless shooting started, as my girls were struggling from whatever gas or chemical had been released, and we figured out what was happening, we hit the floor. I threw myself on top of my fourteen year old who was on the end of the row, straight up the aisle from the shooter. In that moment, as the rapid-fire shots continued, I truly thought I was going to die. And I realized that I was ready. I have put my faith and trust in Jesus Christ as the redeemer of my soul, and there wasn’t the slightest doubt that I would be received into heaven, not because of any good thing that I have done but because of His merciful nature and the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Still, as I lay over my daughter, I began praying out loud. I don’t even remember what I prayed, but I don’t imagine it really matters. I’m sure it was for protection and peace. It drew me closer into the presence of God. When there was a pause in the shooting, people began to clamor for the exits. The girls and I jumped up and joined the masses. We had to step over a lifeless body, not knowing where the shooter was. We raced to our car and I dumped my purse, frantically searching for keys, looking all around, prepared to hit the ground. I yelled at Michelle to call Matthew and find out if he had made it out of the theater next door. She did. He did. We booked on out of there.

Why would you think such a tragedy would make me question the goodness of God? If anything, both of my girls said it made Him a much more real presence to them.He is not the cause of evil, but He is the one who can bring comfort and peace in the midst of evil. It’s been amazing to see the outpouring of love from so many people after this unthinkable act. Yes, there was one evil act, but it is being covered by thousands, possibly millions of acts of kindness.
Though we don’t have all the answers, we do indeed listen to the cry of our hearts: When I am afraid, I will put my trust in You. In God, whose word I praise, In God I have put my trust; I shall not be afraid. What can mere man do to me? Psalm 56:3-4
God is always good. Man is not. Don’t get the two confused. We will continue to praise and worship our mighty God, anticipating that He will bring beauty from ashes, as only He can do.


Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Wednesday, July 18

Diane and I voted yesterday. I was pleased to learn this morning that many of the folks that I voted for won. Of course, this was only a primary, so these people will have to run against another opponent in November. As we voted I had two thoughts.
One: What a great country we live in! We get to vote for our leaders. Our choice, our vote, does count.
Two: As I looked at the names of those running for local offices, I thought about much I admire anyone who wants to serve their community in this way. City Council, Mayor and offices such as these are thankless jobs, I am sure. But I am thankful that someone has the passion to do it.

The Bible says that we should pray for those in authority. Today I pray for those who are currently serving, in whatever capacity, to lead our community. I pray that his/her passion and commitment is in the right place and focused on serving the way that Christ would have them to serve.

What is your passion? How are you serving?
Lord, let it begin with Jerry.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Monday, July 16

It was a special time, but somewhat bewildering. Yesterday during one of the worship services at GC I felt the power of the Holy Spirit all over me. It was a bit different than I have experienced in the past. I am not sure how to describe it. It was His power, yet it rendered me almost speechless. The tears wanted to flow, but I did not know why. The words were in my throat, but I had such a difficult time getting them to come out of my mouth. Since that time, I have been pondering what reasoning was behind this Presence.
I have been extremely concerned about the state of my community, my country and the world lately. I have been even more concerned about the state of all of Christ's churches, but especially GC. (GC is the one that I know the best, of course). I have been fervently praying for those who need Christ in so many different ways. There are so many burdens that I share with my GC family, as well as others. Could it be that yesterday, as Paul wrote in Romans 8:26, His spirit was praying for me when I did not know what to pray for?

Now, don't take this next statement any way but face value. I do not have any more information about my personal health than I have shared. I feel physically fine. Nothing has changed in the last few weeks. But I think that yesterday I felt the Holy Spirit reminding me of the urgency of the situation.
If  God allows me to preach one more week or one more decade, the message is still urgent. It's all about HIM! If God allows me to live on this earth one more day or twenty more years, the message is still urgent. It's all about HIM!

Look at your schedule today (or tomorrow, or this week). Does it reflect that it is all about you. Or does it reflect that it is all about Him?

Friday, July 13, 2012

Friday, July 13

Today is Friday the 13th. If you are believe in luck, then this day may have some eery meaning for you. Beware of black cats and walking under ladders. If you believe that Jesus is Lord of everything, every day, then this is the day that the Lord has made. If you agree with Max Lucado that “If God had a refrigerator, your picture would be on it. If He had a wallet, your photo would be in it. He sends you flowers every spring and a sunrise every morning... Face it, friend. He is crazy about you! ” then this day will have a different meaning.
When I think about my journey with cancer I realize that every day is a gift from God. Happy Friday the 13th!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Wednesday, July 11

I had the honor of preaching at Woods Grove PFWB Church last Sunday evening. The 'P' stands for Pentecostal. That's right, a Methodist preacher at a Pentecoastal church. Who would have thought it? Okay, so I grew up at Woods Grove and I have preached there several times in the past, so maybe I have an inside advantage. They already love me and I love them. I went to share some of my testimonly regarding our journey with cancer. I shared with the folks there that people of every demonination have been praying for my healing. The prayers have certainly been heard by our Lord.

When I think about it, there are a couple of things that really strike me.
First: Prayers work! Just as James said in his book in the New Testament, "And the prayer of faith will save the sick, and the Lord will raise him up." (NKJV)
Second: God does not give a squat about denominations. I have had people from every Christian denomination praying for me. I may have had folks from other faiths praying also, and I appreciate their kind thoughts, but unless the prayers are prayed in the name of Jesus, they are pretty useless. As Paul wrote to the Galatians in the New Testament, "There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus." (NKJV) The last three words are the key: in Christ Jesus. There is neither Methodist nor Pentecoastals nor Baptist nor Presbyterians, nor Lutherans; for we are all one in Christ Jesus."

I am thankful for prayers of faith from all who are in Christ Jesus.
Keep praying.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Monday, July 9

I must admit, when it comes to Sunday morning, I look forward to GC worship. I don't take God's pulpit lightly and I don't give it up lightly. So when we scheduled Eric Horner to take the entire service with his music I was a bit skeptical. But again God showed me that it is all about Him. Every song that the man sung was a sermon. God both blessed and inspired the GC family through Eric and his music.
One of the many things that God reminded us through the service yesterday was that the family structure and  the family concept was ordained by God and is a major target of the enemy. When I think about it like that, my heart breaks as I look at the many victories that the enemy has in destroying individual homes.
I pray that the leaders of this great nation will realize how important the family structure is.
I pray for those whose families are being attacked even now.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Friday, July 6

Although I am not one, there is something that I like about liberals. It is not their political agenda that I admire. I really think that when it comes to that area, liberals are Socialists and I have a serious problem with Socialism. It is not their willingness to speak out that impresses me. In fact, in spite of the fact that there are millions of people who like the direction that this administration is taking our country, I have only talked to one or two people who will admit it.
What I do like about the one liberal that I know personally is that he has a good heart. He really has passion for his fellow human, no matter what nationality or color or other persuasion that person might be. He also has a sincere desire to take care of others. That is what I like about liberals. They really mean well. But they make the huge mistake of thinking that the government has been called to do what individuals are called to do. It has been proven for centuries that this simply does not work.

What really bothers me is when they bring Jesus into the fray with misquotes and misrepresentation. Jesus called each of us, you and me, to care for the least of these. He explained that we would be known as followers of His by the way that we loved one another. Jesus said that we should love God with everything that we have, and that we should love our neighbor as much as we love ourselves. That is what Jesus said. He never asked the Roman government to take care of the needy. He never said that he would judge a group of people for ignoring the plight of others. He said that he would judge each person individually. He said that he would separate the individual persons into two groups - one who did unto the least of these, and one who did not.

Taking care of those who cannot take care of themselves is my job. It is your job.
Lord, forgive me when I don't do my job.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Wednesday, July 4

As we celebrate our national freedom today, don't forget that our freedom did not come free. It was very costly. Many people gave much so that we could live in country based upon freedom. One of the basic freedoms upon which America was founded was one of freedom OF religion. I am sure that our founders never imaginied that the concept would be so misinterpreted that we would become a country based upon freedom FROM religion.
Christians have caved to the voices of a few in the name of tolerance. If we would have caved 236 years ago, we would be under the tyranny of another country and God would have raised up another nation to proclaim His Son Jesus as the only Way.

Just as our national freedom did not come free, neither did our personal freedom. Jesus paid the ultimate price on the cross so that we could be free. Let us proclaim it:
I am not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ as the power of God unto salvation for ALL who believe. (Romans 1:16)

Lord, let it begin with Jerry.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Monday, July 2

Yesterday was another Holy Spirit filled day at GC.
Our new D.S. Jon Strothers attended the first service. He was very kind and supportive.
We had the Rossers, missionaries to Guatemala bless us between the two services.
Diane and I had lunch with the Rossers, Briggs and Seiglie families following the service.
Then I went home and did not move from my recliner. God is good!!

This morning I am heading to Duke to be with the Larimore family. They have been a very faithful and inspiring part of the GC family for a long time. For several years Greg and Linda have known that their two children have a heart condition that could one day require heart transplants. The go to Duke periodically to have heart caths to measure their condition. Today is the day that they have those tests. Daniel and Ashley are two really good young people.God has a plan for their lives, I just know it.

I am thankful that God has provided people like the Larimore family that have encouraged me during my sickness, even while they are going through theirs. I want to encourage them in return.

Today is Monday. Do you have struggles in your life? Find someone else who needs encouraging and go to that person. You might be surprised to see what happens.