Thank you for checking in on my blog. The idea of this blog is to keep you up to date on my cancer journey. I will also post some personal thoughts from time to time. Whatever I post, know that it is written with love. Also, know that it might be written with some of my wit. So it might not be grammatically or politically correct.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Wednesday, June 26

 Over the past few weeks we have experienced good ol' North Carolina weather. It has been cool and raining, hot and sticky, stormy and sunny. But I have found that is the way that life really is.
One year ago today, on June 26th, my brother in law Craig Capps died from cancer. I was diagnosed in November of 2011 and he was diagnosed in December of that same year. We all thought that I would be the first "to go." God had other plans.

Had Craig lived these past months, what would his life had been like? We have no idea. Only God knows, and God chose to not allow Craig to experience it. God has allowed me to experience life with cancer. It is like the North Carolina weather. This week has continued to be beautiful days for me. I have been able to do some serious work as pastor. I have visited, planned for the future, attended meetings, preached some heart-felt sermons and have made some hard decisions. BUT, I have been able to do this without being side-tracked by pain. I continue to have some issues with endurance, but only short day to day endurance. With God's help, I will continue to endure until God calls me home.

What short term endurance are you dealing with today? What long-term endurance are you facing? Philippians 4:13 - look it up.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Saturday, June 22

I have to share this with you blog family.

As I awoke this morning, gave Diane a kiss, and prepared to have my morning talk with Jesus, I realized something that has not happened to me in a very long time. I realized that I woke up completely pain free! Seriously, I cannot remember the last time that happened! You know what immediately happened next? Before I could even pray, the feeling of "wonder how long it will be before the pain returns?" came to mind.

Then I named it. It is called "doubt." It is the oldest weapon in Satin's arsenal. I did not fall for it. Instead, I used the oldest and waaaay more powerful weapon in my arsenal. I prayed! Not only did I use my weapon, but I also called in for backup. I called Diane to my prayer closet and we prayed together. What an awesome beginning to my birthday celebration!

What "doubt" do you have that you need to get rid of today? You have the weapon. Use it!

Friday, June 21, 2013

Friday, June 21

Welcome Summer! In case you missed the sunrise this morning, today is the first day of the summer season. Personally, I like summer weather. I would rather sweat than to freeze. (Like the preacher is going to sweat - lol)

I remember last year about this time very well. I was almost completely recovered from the symptoms of chemo and radiation. I had gained almost all of my weight back. All of my scans showed no sign of cancer. Our family was excited about planning our annual vacation in August. I went fishing with my friends several times. I got up early in the morning to walk. After the walk I would make my way to my back yard and catch a fish or two. I remember well just how good I was feeling at the time. You remember those times really well when those times are gone.

This year I am not as strong as I was last year. I am still quite a few pounds less than I need to be. I haven't been fishing, even in my own back yard. One of the most difficult aspects is that I am still having some issues with pain. The good news is that my digestive challenges have gotten much better - thank you Jesus!

So, here is the deal. I can look back at one year ago to measure how bad I am doing today. Or, I can look back at one year ago and remember that God did it then, and God can do it again! I think that I like the latter. It sounds more like me. And besides, tomorrow is my birthday. And since it is God who gives us our birthdays, I will trust Him with many more. After all, it's all about Him.

So maybe on this first day of a brand new season we should simply glance back at last season and then focus on this season.

Lord, let it begin with Jerry! - and . . .

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Tuesday June 18

Hi KIT family,
Believe it or not Diane and I actually took some time away for a day or so. We have precious friends, George and Kaye who offered us a chance to be away longer and further, bur Diane decided that would not be wise. We also have church family who have graciously offered beach homes. Anyway we are relaxing today after a great week at UMC Annual Conference and a wonderful weekend at church.
The bad thing is that wi-fi is limited here. The good thing is that wi-fi is limited here.
 So I don't have a lot of media communication, except for my smart phone, and I will be able to spend more uninterrupted time with Diane and with Jesus.

Maybe you should try turning off your i-stuff for a short time.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Wednesday, June 12

Although the scans may show that there is possibly some cancer is in my body, I refuse to lay down and act like someone with cancer. On Saturday we went to a high school graduation, followed by two graduation parties. On Sunday we preached two services, went to another graduation party, had two meetings and said the opening prayer at Vacation Bible School. Today I am leaving for the UMC Annual Conference in Greenville. I will be driving there each day, Wednesday through Saturday. Now, all of the above has been fun, God stuff. From my experience, Annual Conference is not fun. Pray with me that it will be God stuff.

How do you feel today? Are you going to lay down, or are you going to do God stuff?

Friday, June 7, 2013

Friday, June 7

I am sure that you remember watching television and your program was interrupted by that irritating noise and the message that said, "This is a test of the emergency broadcast system." Well, that is how we feel every time was have a scan. It has been three months since we have had one of those "tests."

Today you may have received another type of message on your television, radio, or device. It was that same irritating noise, but this time the message was, "This is a flood warning concerning your area from the emergency broadcast system." That means that even though nothing is happening in your back yard right now, there is a possibility that you will be affected by the floods.

When we have scans, whether it has been three months or one month, we understand that it is part of traveling the cancer journey. Each test is just that. "This is a test."
Today we received the second type of warning. Some spots were found that could be cancer, but they were extremely small and we are not even sure that they are disease (as Dr. Chang calls it). So, that is the update. The tests were inconclusive. In thirty days we will have another scan to compare and see if these spots are due to infection, or if we need to consider these another step in the cancer journey.

When I think about my journey, I know that I am simply walking down a path that my Lord has prepared for me. I pray that no matter what happens to you, that you will fill the same way.

Thank you for being concerned enough to read the blog. I feel as though I have a blog family. I love you all.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Thursday, June 6

We will not know the results of the scans until tomorrow afternoon.Thank you for your continued prayers

Monday, June 3, 2013

Monday, June 3

I want to thank those of you who see me in person or email me to say how much you enjoy reading this blog. It makes me feel as though God has allowed me to accomplish something by writing it.

I cannot believe that I have a son that will be 38 years old tomorrow. Brad is a special person. We are so thankful that God has used him. He works a full time job, he is a bi-vocational pastor, he gives back his time to the community, and he is a faithful husband and a loving and caring father. And besides that, he does weird things like run ultra marathons and is training to participate in triathlons. (see the crazybrad link to his blog below) It is a God-thing that he turned out so well. His mama did a great job in raising him. And I tried to be a good dad. But the truth is, he has always been his own person. No one could ever tell him anything. But I guess that God did get through to him. I am glad that he listened. He is another reason why I am one blessed dad.

This week has turned out to be just a bit more than I should have scheduled. In addition to other duties, I have scheduled two appointments with Dr. Hamm, an appointment with my nutritionist doctor in Greenville, and a very special appointment on Wednesday to take our quarterly scans. Thank you for your prayers for me - especially on Wednesday.

Do you have a reason to say that you are blessed? Well then, have you actually told anyone?

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Saturday, June 1

Wow! June 1st. Where has the year gone? Actually, I don't even remember much of February and March. As I look back over these past months that I can remember, I can see God's hand in everything that has happened to me. Some of these events I can see why things happened the way that they did, and some of the events have yet to be clear as to their purpose. But I do know that everything has a purpose. As my life verse says, wherever I am, He is with me.

Here is the latest. On Tuesday morning, as my last post stated, I went to Dr. Hamm for my back adjustment. As I was waiting for him to see me I noticed some literature about acupuncture in his office. I discovered that he was certified in that field. As we talked about how it might be effective with controlling my pain, I was a little hesitant about someone sticking 14 needles in my body. Dr. Hamm told me to check with my other doctors and he would just wait for my decision. I asked Dr. West and Dr. Chang about it. Both of them recommended that I try it. So on Wednesday and again on Friday I had the treatments. They were painless and actually very relaxing. Whether or not they help with my pain is yet to be determined. I will let you know.

Was the fact that my back went out and I saw Dr. Hamm have anything to do with whether or not I would have ever taken acupuncture treatments? Absolutely. Is it a God-thing. I don't know.
But I do know this: It's all about Him!