Thank you for checking in on my blog. The idea of this blog is to keep you up to date on my cancer journey. I will also post some personal thoughts from time to time. Whatever I post, know that it is written with love. Also, know that it might be written with some of my wit. So it might not be grammatically or politically correct.

Thursday, October 16, 2014


My thoughts from a sermon by Dr. Voddie Baucham (look him up on YouTube)

Why do we accept mediocrity in the church?  What I mean is that we accept mediocrity in our personal relationship with Christ.  We aren’t confident enough in our own personal relationship to help lead someone else in their walk with Christ.  Nowhere else is this acceptable.  I mean, we claim to have been a Christian, actively involved in a church for 15, 20, 25+ years and we still can’t lead someone in their walk with Christ.  Think about it this way.  Let’s say a new believer comes to you and says, “Hey, you’ve been a Christian most of your life, you’ve been a faithful member of the church for years, can you walk with me as I seek a deeper relationship with Him?”  Our response, “I ain’t no preacher.  I can’t do that.  Maybe I can call the Pastor for you, he/she will be able to help you.”  Now flip that into a secular career.  Let’s say you’ve been a brick mason for 15-20 years.  A new aspiring brick mason comes to you and asks, “Can you show me all you know about brick laying and lead me as I learn this trade.”  What would you say?  “I don’t know nothin’ about bricks…”  Absolutely not, if you’ve been laying brick for 15-20 years you are a master brick mason.  It would be unacceptable to claim you know nothing about laying bricks if you have been doing this for 15-20 years, yet it’s totally accepted in the church.  The world tells us that we are not good enough, we are not smart enough, we aren’t worthy to lead someone else in their relationship with Christ.  And here’s the kicker…we listen and believe that we aren’t good enough.  Let’s look at who Christ chose to lead others in The Way!  He chose several fishermen, a tax collector and just plain old regular folks.  Jesus didn’t call the equipped, he equipped the called. 
So, are you feeling inadequate? Get into God’s Word.  Are you feeling insecure?  Talk to God about that and ask Him to release you from that fear.  On the funny side: Stuart Smalley from Saturday Night Live always said, “I’m good enough, I’m smart enough, and doggone it, people like me.”  More than that…God loves you and has called you to make disciples of Jesus Christ.  How will you answer His call? How will you use the time that God has given you today to encourage another child of God?  May we NEVER forget that it’s not about us, It’s All About Him!

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

10/7/14 Worried?

This is Gabe, Jerry's son.  For some reason, God is leading me to post this today.  

I just had a conversation with a fellow Christian Co-Worker. We were discussing ISIS & the violence that seems to be ever present in the world we live.  Right after we talked, I open up social media to see a post from a good friend.  She shared her devotion from Jesus Calling.  I believe this is not a coincidence, it is the answer. As Christians we are called to surrender to Christ and allow Him to lead. Are you worried about something?  Are you having a hard time hearing His voice? Focus on Him first and He will guide your actions.  

It's not about us, It's All About Him!

October 7
In order to hear My voice, you must release all your worries into My care. Entrust to Me everything that concerns you. This clears the way for you to seek My Face unhindered. Let Me free you from fear that is hiding deep inside you. Sit quietly in My Presence, allowing My Light to soak into you and drive out any darkness lodged within you.
Accept each day just as it comes to you, remembering that I am sovereign over your life. Rejoice in this day that I have made, trusting that I am abundantly present in it. Instead of regretting or resenting the way things are, thank Me in all circumstances. Trust Me and don’t be fearful; thank Me and rest in My sovereignty. -Jesus Calling

Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time. Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.
—1 Peter 5:6–7
This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.
—Psalm 118:24
Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.
—1 Thessalonians 5:18

Totally Surrendered to HIM!


Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Jerry's ultimate journey

I have had several people say I need to do a final post to Jerry's blog.  On May 12 Jerry went home to be with Jesus.  That was his ultimate goal.  While he was here on earth, his goal was to show Jesus to others.  His greatest wish was that each one of you would have a personal relationship with your Lord and Savior and that you would pass that on.  Live as though you are meeting your God face to face tomorrow and love each other every day.  He loved us all and is waiting for us to meet him in Heaven.  After all, it is all about Him!  God bless you all.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Thursday 1,2014

May Day May Day! I am alive! Today is National Day of Prayer. But I want to thank all my family and friends who believe that every day is a day of prayer.  I am most blessed to have my support system at work when I am unable to fulfill all my duties. If I do all that Dr. Chang wants me to do today which includes walking and breathing treatments we can go home tomorrow. God is so good. Thanks for praying without ceasing.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Tuesday, April 22

Update: we had our chemo treatment yesterday (Monday). To my surprise, I have done extremely well this time. I did some work today. I have felt really well. Next week we will take tests and scans to decide what we will do next.
Thank you for your prayers and your support. It works. Keep 'me going.