Thank you for checking in on my blog. The idea of this blog is to keep you up to date on my cancer journey. I will also post some personal thoughts from time to time. Whatever I post, know that it is written with love. Also, know that it might be written with some of my wit. So it might not be grammatically or politically correct.

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Sunday, December 29

Merry Christmas Blog Friends,
I know. Today is the 29th, that would be four days after Christmas. Christmas is over. Maybe not. In a few days you can go to I-Tunes and listen to today's sermon to hear how I feel about that. So anyway, Merry Christmas.
As for my cancer journey, someone once said that one could tell how I am doing by the length of time between blogs. The problem is, if I go for a long time without blogging, it could mean that I am doing really well, or really bad. I noticed that it has been several days since my last post. In this case, the meaning is at both of the ends of the spectrum. I had a great several days before and during Christmas. I really felt well, and it was good to experience that feeling. However, In just a few short days, I don't have any idea what happened, but I ran into a brick wall. (Which is strange if you think about it, since I don't run) Anyway, the last few days have been as miserable as the previous days were good. I don't know what c--- feels like, but I am pretty sure that I feel like it. I suppose that it goes with the journey.
Tomorrow is chemo day. Everything is subject to change. Pray that it will be a change for the better.
Whatever it is, it will be good because it will be all about HIM.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Thursday, December 19

I have been afforded the opportunity and responsibility of preaching for over 20 years. The good folks at Garris Chapel have been the ears for about 1000 of my sermons. If you ask just about anyone at GC or any other of those places, I would be willing to make you a bet. (Of course, any answer would give me a better chance of winning than being sucked into an "education" lottery) I would be willing to bet that no one can remember a sermon I have ever given on a social issue. Oh, I might use a little sarcastic one liner about politicians or some stupid government policy. But when it comes to individual opinions that amount to just that-opinions, it is not my custom to use God's pulpit to give mine. The truth is, I am probably more moderate and less conservative than some of my folks would like.

But when Phil Roberson of Duck Dynasty fame is not only publicly persecuted, and personally ridiculed, but is expelled from his vocation for answering a question about his belief, it goes beyond opinion giving.

First and foremost, if they didn't want to know, they should not have asked. It is not like you can watch any of the Duck Dynasty shows and not know their opinions on any moral issues. And hello, the show almost always ends with a prayer "in Jesus name." Is anyone surprised at the father of the dynasty's answer and explanation? Frankly, I would have been surprised and disappointed in any other response.

And then there is the issue. Am I talking about the issue of homosexuality? Read Phil's response again. Phil began with "everything is blurred on what's right and what's wrong. . . Sin becomes fine." There, my blog reading friend, is the issue. The issue is sin. And no matter how you spin it, no matter how you rationalize it, and no matter how you excuse it, ol' Phil is right. Don't be deceived. The act of homosexuality is a sin. He could not have said it better or more clearly. It's not right. It's not logical. And they will not inherit the kingdom of God. And for that response, he was persecuted.

By the way, this all started with an article in GQ Magazine written by Drew Magary. When I actually read the article, I was quickly turned off by his writing skills and his style. His writing isn't worth my time. How did he get a job with GQ anyway? Oh that's right. It's GQ.

And one more thing, (I know, this post is getting a bit long) but does nobody not remember that Phil also said in that same interview, "However, I would never treat anyone with disrespect just because they are different than me. We are all created by the Almighty and like Him, I love all of humanity. We would all be better off if we loved God and loved each other."

Again, Phil Roberson is right.

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Saturday, December14

There are as many ways to celebrate Christmas as there are people, I suppose. This year we have had the privilege of celebrating Christmas with some folks to whom God has given much talent. The GC youth and leaders blessed us beyond measure with their rendition of LEON this year. The singing and dancing and all that goes along with that encouraged us. We also attended a very well planned and performed Christmas presentation at GWC church. Again the music was dynamic and inspiring.
Then again, this past week we went to LaGrange where two of my granddaughters help to lead us in a very simple Christmas story. It was the basic story of the birth of Christ retold in a very simple version.
How we tell the true story of Jesus and His birth is not important. The fact that we tell it at all is important. Go tell it on the mountain - Jesus Christ is born!
And let it begin with Jerry

Oh, and one more thing. In all of this busyness, I have a tendency not to take very good care of myself. I am feeling a bit more tired and run down these past days. The doctors are trying to cut back on some meds. It doesn't seem to be working. A little extra prayer would be appreciated.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

December 8

Thank you for checking my blog to get the latest info on my cancer journey. Let me explain where I am in my journey this way.
On Friday we joined the MYF for dinner and fellowship. (Check out the pic)
On Saturday we attended breakfast with the younger ones, as well as Santa and friends. (Other pic)
On Sunday I preached the first service, Jon Strother (our DS) preached the second service and then he and Claire (our Asst. To the DS) led us in our annual Charge Conference after a delicious lunch.
To top off the weekend, the GC Kids gave an awesome message and music presentation. I loved every minute of it. Fatigue, yes. Worth it? Absolutely!

Coming up this week, we have a gathering to attend every evening. I'm loving looking forward to each one, I am convinced that God is blessing me. I don't even need to know why. I just give Him thanks.
If you think about it, God is blessing you also. Don't question it. Just give Him thanks. After all, it is all about Him, but I sure do appreciate it when He includes me. Don't you?

And yes, tomorrow is a full day of chemo treatment for me. So I need your prayer. But hey, that is just another part of the journey. God is good!

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

December 4, 2013

Happy Hump Day even if you are not a camel.
As you know, we have now completed four chemo treatments. This was done for two reasons. One, to relieve some severe pain that I had been experiencing for months. Two, to bring down my tumor marker number (ca19-9).
Compared to the chemo that I had in Jan-Feb of this year, these treatments have been very tolerable. I take a treatment every other Monday, go home with a pump, then go back on Wednesday to return the pump. As I said, so far these treatments have been tolerable. Dr. Chang says that is because I am only taking two of the three drugs that I was taking before, and I am taking a smaller dosage. That's okay with me. I sure feel much better.
So, update: after wearing a pain patch of 150mg for the past several months, we have been able to cut it back to 100, then 75 and now 50. In addition, we formerly were changing the patch every other night, and now we change it every third night. So far, pain is controlled. The chemo seems to be working on the pain.
As far as the numbers are concerned. My liver enzymes were high and now have come down. And my tumor marker has dropped from 2059 to 1667 in just one month. Even though the 'normal' is 40 or less, at least we are trending in the right direction.

Personally, here is some really good news. When I received Dr. Chang's text that my ca19-9 had come down, I returned a text to her that "God is good! Her response was "Yes, God is good!!!

She is my kind of doctor. I am thankful for her, and for all of you who continue to care about me and are praying for me and are looking to see what God has in store for us next. He really is good!!! And it really is All About Him!