Thank you for checking in on my blog. The idea of this blog is to keep you up to date on my cancer journey. I will also post some personal thoughts from time to time. Whatever I post, know that it is written with love. Also, know that it might be written with some of my wit. So it might not be grammatically or politically correct.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Thursday, November 29

Got is good! It's all about HIM! How many times does He have to remind me of these things?
The scans that I had done on Tuesday showed NO cancer! Thank you for your prayers.
I am still having severe stomach pains, so I am going tomorrow for an endoscopy. I have never had one of those, but they tell me that it is a lot of fun. :-) My doctors are thinking things like a stomach ulcer, or maybe even the bacteria, H-Pylori that I had last year that caused so much pain. Whatever it is, I am ready for it to be treated and released. In other words, I will be glad when the pain is gone.
By the way, my CA19-9 cancer indicator number has risen to 315. That is higher than last month's test, but not as high as the month before. Go figure. The doctors are finally beginning to think that this number is bouncing around due to something other than cancer.

When you say your prayers today, please thank Him for answering your prayer for me, and then ask him to continue to be with me as we find out whatever else is going on.
Thank you for being my prayer partners.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Tuesday, November 27

Over the past few weeks I have had some abdominal pain. Now, for most folks that is not a big deal. In fact, it may very well not be a big deal for me either. But when you are traveling a cancer journey, it is better to pay attention to those sorts of things. That being said, I am going to have a scan done today. I will find out tomorrow what the results of that scan are.
I do know this. No matter what the scan shows, I know that God already knows the results. Psalm 139 assures me that He knew every day that was before me even before my first day began. So I figure that God has everything under control. So, if He has me covered, there is no need for me to worry about it.
After all, it's all about Him.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Thursday, November 22

Every Thanksgiving is different for different folks.
Some folks have large families. Some folks have small families. Some folks have no family. Today is a good day to give thanks that you are a very important part of God's family.
Some folks have harmony in the family. Some folks have tension in the family. Today would be a great day to get over what ever it is that is causing the tension. Be thankful.
Some folks are celebrating because God has healed a loved one. Some folks are having a hard time celebrating because God has given the ultimate healing of death to a loved one. Today is the day just to thank God that He heals.
Some folks are giving thanks for a bright future. Some folks are struggling because of a diagnosis of an unknown future. Today is the day to thank God that He is in control and knows what is best for all of us.
Sometimes, as humans, it is not easy to give thanks. But it is much easier if we remember that - It's All About Him!


Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Tuesday, November 20

Yesterday was a special day to commemorate. It was one year ago on the Monday before Thanksgiving that we received the phone call from Duke that confirmed that I have pancreatic cancer. It has been one heck of a year, to say the least. God has blessed me with some awesome opportunities to share my faith with many people. This past Sunday evening my good friend Terry Johnson gave me the opportunity to share on WHFL-TV. What a privilege!

Each day this week I will reflect on what that week, one year ago, was like. As I think about the many emotions that I experienced, I remember two constants. I remember a weird trust in God like I had never had. And I remember a stronger love for Diane than I have ever had. Both God and Diane have been faithful during this journey.

I know that the Bible says that we should put our faith, not in humans, but in God. I am thankful that God has given me a very human Diane that I can also put my faith in.

Even if you do not have any human to trust, please know that God is always faithful. Give thanks.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Saturday, November 17

I'm sorry Blog family. My intentions are to blog two times per week, and here it is Saturday already. This past week has been a very busy and fulfilling week, and it is not even close to being over yet. I am praising God.
Two very important leaders at GC had surgery this week. Both of these men are strong in their faith and family life. And both of these men give the impression that nothing can shake them. Well, I can share with you first-hand that no matter how much faith one has, surgery can shake you. No, it does not make you less faithful. It makes you realize just how fragile you are and how fragile life itself is. And it makes you realize that real men do shake. I am thankful to report that both of these men are home and recovering well.
And I am thanking God that my nephew Tyler, whom we went to visit this week at the Burn Center in Chapel Hill, is healing so well that surgery will not be necessary. What a praise! Tyler is only 25 years old. But I pray that just like these two pillars of the church, he realizes that we don't have to be strong - we just need God, and He is strong.

Do you think that you are a rock? Try going to the Real Rock for your strength.
Lord, let it begin with Jerry.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Tuesday, November 13

I took the opportunity yesterday to spend a good part of the day with some good friends, Billy, John and Steve. We went to Aurora to do some trout fishing. It was a beautiful gift from God. Good friends, good weather and I caught the most fish. :-) That last part is even more funny when you realize that the three guys that I just mentioned are all experienced and skillful fisherman. I, by the way, am not.
Yesterday reminded me once again how blessed I am. It had nothing to do with me catching fish. It had everything to do with the realization that life is short and that we are never promised tomorrow here on earth. Every day is a gift from God. Cancer reminds me of that often. But you don't need cancer to remind you.
When is the last time that you stopped and reflected on God's gift of a day?

One of the many things that God wants me to do is to share my story whenever I can. I am going to share the message that I shared with New Hope Friends a few weeks ago. at the Bridge Church - Goldsboro Campus this Thursday evening at 7:00. The Bridge is located on Berkeley Blvd across from Delmus Hardware.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Thursday, November 8

When I was a very young boy I heard an old preacher use an expression that I have relied upon since that day. "Don't worry - I've read the back of the Book. We win!"

My prayer for the election was for God to send us a Godly man for President. I really don't believe that God answered that prayer in the way that I thought that He should. But isn't that just like God? He always hears and answers our prayers. He just doesn't always respond the way that we want Him to. Maybe God is telling us that we should not depend so much upon a Godly government as we should depend upon us being Godly people. Maybe we should not depend so much upon any man as we should depend upon Him. Maybe God is leading us to be a "people driven society" instead of a "government driven society." After all, that is the way that this great country began - by the people, for the people.

I once heard someone say that if you wanted a better preacher, then pray for the one that you have.
Maybe we should consider that - if we want a better president, then we should pray for the one that we have. If we want a better country, then pray for one another.

Praying for America and our all of our leaders.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Sent to me by my friend Kaye Thompson.
Dear Beloved God in Heaven
Please give us a president that loves this country and everything it stands for.
Please give us a president who respects you as the one true God.
Please give us a president who will, with your help, restore this nation to its former glory, the way you created her.
Please help us to respect what you have given to us and not take anything for granted ever again.
Please God weaken the evil and strengthen the good both without and within.
May our eyes be opened.
In Jesus’ name,
God Bless America

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Friday, Saturday November 3

Happy Saturday blog family,
Daylight Savings Time officially ends tomorrow morning. If you are like me and you do not wish to get out of bed at 2 a.m. to reset your clock, then before you go to bed tonight you can turn your clock back one hour. The way that I remember which way to reset the clock is that in the fall I am to "fall back"  and in the spring I am to spring forward. (many of my clocks are now computerized and preset to do it without my assistance)
Some folks say that falling back one time per year reminds them to check the batteries in their smoke alarm, or to do other types of annual maintenance. I have thought of another way to make the most of this event.
On Sunday we will celebrate (at lease in our church) All Saints Day. That is the day that we remember and celebrate the lives of all of those who have gone on before us. This year I think that I will take this 'fall back ' day and remember those who are still with me who have meant so much to me during this past year. It will take hours and more for me to name each one. So many people have been so special during my cancer journey. Some know who they are. Some probably don't even realize how special that they have been to me.

I am sure that you have many people who have been extra special in your life during this past year also. Why don't you take this day to 'fall back' in your memory and name each one?

And remember to thank Jesus for sending each person to you. After all - it is all about Him!