Thank you for checking in on my blog. The idea of this blog is to keep you up to date on my cancer journey. I will also post some personal thoughts from time to time. Whatever I post, know that it is written with love. Also, know that it might be written with some of my wit. So it might not be grammatically or politically correct.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Wednesday, August 29

The first thing that I did this morning, of course after my shower and pouring my first cup of coffee, was to check the news on the Internet concerning Hurricane Isaac. Living in North Carolina, I know what it is like to see and hear the storm coming, and then to experience it. Storms can be tragic at worse, a serious inconvenience at least. Thinking about that makes me appreciate my shower and my coffee even more. It makes me appreciate the calmness that I see outside my window this morning. It reminds me that God continues to be in control.
Easy for me to say. The storm is in the Gulf, not in the Atlantic. I am watching it from 900 miles away.
My prayer is for the folks who are in the middle of the storm right now. It is often not easy when you are in the middle of the storm. I pray that they will experience peace that only Jesus gives. I pray that they will experience first-hand that Jesus is in storms.

Lord, let it begin with Jerry.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Monday, August 27

Have you ever tried to balance yourself? On Saturday, we had a great time at Lake Gaston with my family. (Actually it is Diane's family, but after well over 40 years nobody knows the difference. We are all family) Someone had something that I had never seen. It was a board, somewhat like a surf board, but much larger. The idea was to stand on the board with oar in hand and paddle along the water. I discovered that it was much harder than it looked. If perfect balance was not practiced, the person surely fell. I really enjoyed watching the adults try to master the board.

I had a great time on Saturday. Besides watching the adults attempt the board, watching the little ones play in the water was entertaining and relaxing. Being outside near the water with people that I love was good. I didn't spend a lot of time thinking about my health, or about my schedule, or any of those type of issues. I don't take the time to do that very often. It was refreshing.
On Sunday, I think that I witnessed more people hungry for God than I have ever witnessed. The altar at GC was filled. As people got up, more people came until it was filled again. It was indeed a special time of fellowship with our Lord. Being in the worship service was spiritually refreshing.

For me, the combination of Saturday and Sunday was an example of balance. How are you doing with balance in your life?

Friday, August 24, 2012

Friday, August 24

One of the most overused preacher illustrations concerns God's care for us.
There was a man who lived in an area where flood waters were rapidly rising. It became necessary for him to go from the first floor to the second floor of his home. As the waters continued to rise, the only dry place for the man was on the roof of his house. A rescue personnel with a boat came by, but the man refused to get on the boat, insisting that the Lord would take care of him. A few hours later another rescue boat came by, but again the man refused to go aboard, declaring that the Lord would save him. Finally, with the flood waters almost up to the man's neck as he was standing on his roof, a rescue helicopter came by. But alas the man refused to go, still declaring his faith in the Lord.
Of course the man drowned. As he stood before God the man asked God why he had not cared for him and saved him. The Lord replied, "I sent you two boats and a helicopter. What else did you want me to do?"

God has sent to me many special health care specialists. Some have been at Duke. Some have been in Goldsboro. God has sent me many encouragers. God has sent boats and helicopters. I have faith in God, but believe me when I say that I have taken advantage of those whom God has sent. Please continue to pray for me as I consider every boat and helicopter that He sends my way.

Have you overlooked one of God's boats or helicopters today?

It's all about Him!

Adam Hamilton on Religious faith and Presidential Candidates

Click here to read this article:

Adam Hamilton

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Wed /Thursday August 23

On Tuesday evening the folks of the Garris Chapel community poured out their love and support for my sister in law Debbie Capps and my friend and church member Jean Brieske. GC hosted a bedefit for these two ladies. The money was good, but the support and love that was shown was better. I know this to be a fact. That is the way that I felt not too long ago when folks came out for a benefit in my honor. I know that God is pleased with my GC family.

Have you shown your love and support to someone today?
Lord, let it begin with Jerry

Monday, August 20, 2012

Monday, August 20

I am not sure when it happened. I think that it was too far back for me to remember. I am not sure how or where it happened. Maybe it was at a little country church in Pinkney, N.C. when I was a child, or at Woods Grove Church when I was a youth. Whenever it was, it continues even stronger today than it ever has. I fell in love with church! Yesterday at our first service I went to the altar, quickly followed by Diane, and then joined by many folks in my GC family. The altar at GC church is a special place. Jesus is there.

I know, Jesus is everywhere. But now and then I look around in this world and in my personal life and ask the question, "where in the world is Jesus?" That is why I feel led to preach a sermon series of that title. As I began that sermon series yesterday, I submitted to my folks that Jesus is in the same place today as he was over 2000 years ago. So we are looking in the gospels to see where Jesus went then, so that we might get an understanding of where He is today. Yesterday, referring to the 4th chapter of the gospel of Luke, we began where we first read about Jesus as an adult. We began by noting that Jesus was in church.
Yes, Jesus is in my hope and in my dissapointments; in my successes and in my failures; in my struggles and in my strengths; in my tears and in my laughter; in my life now and in my life to come. But for me, I know that Jesus is in church.

Have you ever looked around at this world and asked the question "where in the world is Jesus?"
Send me an email with your answer to that question.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Friday, August 17

Regarding my health:
I feel better than I have since before my surgery back in November. I have gained most of my weight back (I lost 35 pounds). I now eat anything and everything that I want. Although I do not have all of my stamina back, I am able to work full time and do most of the things that I need to do for the church and my sheep. Of course, even before I got sick, finding time to do all of the things that I need to do was dang near impossible, so that has not changed.
As you know, we returned to Duke yesterday to talk to Dr. Zafar regarding the results from my blood tests and my scans. Dr. Zafar was very pleased when I told him how I have been feeling. He was also very pleased to report that the scans show no new cancer. However, he continues to be concerned about a cancer indicator called CA19-9 that has continued to show elevated readings. During our last appointment six weeks ago we had hoped that this number was a false read. Since the number continues to increase, the doctor thinks that there may be more to it. But, since the scans do not show anything at all, he does not recommend that we "act" on the number right now. He did recommend that we retest with more scans in four weeks, instead of the previous plan of testing every three months. Diane and I agreed.

So that is where we are. You know everything that we know. Oh, unless you have not been reading my blog in the past and you need to be reminded that "It's all about Him!" I continue to have faith that God is using this for His glory.

How is God using you and your journey today for His glory?

Monday, August 13, 2012

Monday, August 13

Life is definitely not a straight road, is it? There are so many turns between point A and point B.

Sometimes the road has some beautiful scenery. This is what I found last week while on my family vacation at the beach. We borrowed an absolutely beautiful beach house with plenty of room for everyone. From the back deck, we had a view of miles of water in the sound. When we made the short trip across the road, we were able to sit and admire the spectacular view of ocean waves as they came to shore. Sometimes the waves came gently around us. Sometimes the waves came crashing to the shore. On Friday Diane insisted that we enjoy this view of the ocean in fierce wind conditions. Of course, Diane loves the ocean so much that she thought it was cool. Me - not so much. (But that is a story for another time).

Sometimes the view is pretty good. Today and tomorrow I am at a workshop sponsored by the Duke Endowment. Most of my view will be the inside of a conference room. Even though the conference is at the Hilton Hotel, and I will be sharing the day with some fellow pastors that I enjoy talking to, I will still be in a conference room.

Sometimes the view is a bit more foreboding. On Wednesday, Diane and I will travel to Durham for my blood tests and scans. On Thursday we will go back to Duke to meet with the doctor regarding the results. This is a view with which I am very familiar. It is a view that is necessary. But it is one that could give me some unrest if I allow it to.

No matter where I am, or what the view is, I am reminded that God has already been there before me. Nothing that I see or do will surprise Him.

What is your view today? God has already been there. Nothing you see or do today will surprise Him. Remember; it's all about Him.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Thursday, August 9

I must apologize to all of you who take the time and trouble to check my blog. I really do appreciate your interest and your love for me. It had been my custom to post on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday/Saturday.
I have been on vacation this week with my entire family. It has been some very special and fun days at the beach. It has also been a time of rest and relaxation. But as a result, I have not kept up the blog.

I am sure that I will have some personal illustrations concerning my health and my many blessings in just a few days. After all, it is still all about him!

Friday, August 3, 2012

Friday, August 3

Heard enough about the Chic-Fil-A issue? Me too. That is what the enemy wants all of us to think. He wants us to make this past Wednesday a once and done event, never to be discussed again. Christians rallied support for Mr. Cathy and his right to express his belief about the definition of marriage. Of course, we rallied because we agree with Mr. Cathy, but at least we agree in mass about something. One of the things that I liked about Wednesday was that, as I was standing in a long line at CFA, I looked around at the people there. Everyone was patient, kind, polite and even smiling. Even me, and I can't remember a time when I was patient enough to wait 45 minutes for a chicken sandwich. Christians were actually acting like Christians. I loved it!
My prayer is that this type of event would not be a once and done deal. I would hope that Christians would rally around the homeless issue, the hunger issue, the abortion issue, the addiction issue, the breakdown of the family issue, the issue of loneliness, sadness, hopelessness, the most important issue of lost souls, and so many other issues that our Lord taught us to care about.
My prayer is that all of those people who were at Chic-Fil-A on Wednesday will be at the altar at church on Sunday asking God to lead us, both individually and as His Church, in whatever rally He chooses.
Lord, let it begin with Jerry.

See you in church!
It's all about Him!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

August 1

It is almost scary how "normal" I have been feeling the last few days, physically that is. I don't know that I have ever been normal in any other ways. The only drawback might be that I was really, really tired last night after two great but long days of working in my church office, writing, preparing, talking to people, seeing new people, and trying to help people. God has surely blessed me.

Today is August 1st. If you do not receive my Tuesday morning Keeping In Touch through my email contacts, here is some of what I wrote yesterday:

Make no mistake about it. As pastor, I can promise you that Garris Chapel UMC is open to “people of all ages, nations, and races,” as our UMC baptismal covenant states. But also know that I support traditional family values, and like Mr. Cathy of Chic-Filet fame, I believe in the Biblical definition of marriage. That means that I believe what God said in Genesis when he said that “Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.” (Genesis 2:24).
Some folks have misquoted God when it comes to the Bible. While it is true that if you read the Old Testament, which certainly is part of the Bible, you may note that the Jewish people did not always obey that mandate. They had rules for multiple wives, as well as rules for brothers taking their brother’s wife as theirs under circumstances. In fact, even Solomon, the wisest man in the world had more wives and women than he could count. (Okay, so he wasn’t wise about women) But what folks may not realize is that God did not condone this part of the Jewish culture.
God's definition of marriage was and always will be one man and one woman. As Mr. Cathy has said, we have no business trying to redefine what God has already defined.

I am not homophobic. I am not afraid of civil unions. I am not afraid of any group of people. I don’t hate anyone. I want everyone to come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. Everyone.

And I will see you at Chic-filet on Wednesday, August 1st.