Thank you for checking in on my blog. The idea of this blog is to keep you up to date on my cancer journey. I will also post some personal thoughts from time to time. Whatever I post, know that it is written with love. Also, know that it might be written with some of my wit. So it might not be grammatically or politically correct.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Wednesday, March 27

So, I was watching Fox and Friends this morning. I saw and heard this with my own eyes and ears. There is a public school in Alabama (yes, in the South), that is not allowing children to talk about Easter eggs or the Easter bunny because they want to make sure that religion, specifically Christianity, is kept out of the schools.
Think about it. People now believe that rabbits and eggs are Christian symbols that come from the Bible.
Sad . . .

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Tuesday, March 26

Happy Tuesday Blog family,
So far this week has been one of mystery. I was able to preach both services on Sunday (thank you for your prayers). Yesterday I took my birthday girl, Diane out to lunch. I also went to breakfast with a bunch of preachers and visited some very special friends at the Hospice Center. All of that was good. The mystery part of this week has been the fact that my stomach has just not felt well. I don't know any other way to describe it.
(Disclaimer: if you are weak of stomach, just skip this next sentence). I still have nausea and soft stool. And everything that comes out of me, either end, smells unbelievably rotten.
(Okay, you can resume reading here). I am not sure what our next step is, but I am sure that I am ready for springtime, ready for resurrection Sunday, ready for new life!

Are you ready?

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Saturday, March 23

It is Saturday night and my week has been less that what I would have wanted it to be. A couple of days of fever have frustrated us quite a bit. This morning my temp went to 103.3. Since we had a 102 fever earlier in the week, and the doctors didn't do anything except draw some blood and test me for some other bacteria, so we did not see any reason to go to the hospital today.
If you read this blog before the two worship services at GC (8;30 and 10:45), please pray that I will have the strength and clearness of mind to lead my fellow Garris Chapel family in worship.

Praying for a good week next week. Remember that next week is called "Holy Week." We go to church tomorrow to celebrate Jesus entry into Jerusalem (Palm Sunday). We go back to church on Thursday for a "Maundy Thursday" service to remember the death of our Lord on the cross. This is one of the most special services of the year, and this year we promise it to be even more special. Next Sunday we go back to church to shout that Jesus is not in the grave. He is not dead. Christ is risen! He has risen indeed!.

For just one week, beginning tomorrow, slow down long enough to consider what Holy week really means. I will do that. I will find something very special.

It's all about Him!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Wednesday, March 20

Happy First Day of Spring!
From where I sit this morning, laptop on my lap, looking through the glass doors at a beautiful, even though a little overcast, day, I am thinking about my Scripture on Sunday. This Sunday is Palm / Passion Sunday; the Sunday before Easter. On Palm Sunday the people are crying out to God in praise. The Romans tell Jesus to make the people be quiet. Jesus replied that if people don't do it, then the rocks will cry out instead.  What I am hearing and seeing is that God is the creator of all things, and that He created everything good. (Go back and read Genesis again). Due to the condition of our fallen world, everything doesn't always seem so good. But still, look at it, God's creation is still awesome!
Monday and Tuesday of this week we began cutting back on pain and nausea medications. Monday I felt tired and 'draggy'. Yesterday I went and got some fluids. Later yesterday evening I had some very intense pain. I am much, much better this morning. We are not sure if the pain is the result of my body adjusting to med change, or if I picked up a bug. But whatever it is/was, it is gone for now.

As I lay in my bed last night during the worst part of my episode, I was thinking that if God could hear rocks crying out, then He certainly can hear me. Surely I am more precious to Jesus than a rock. So it makes perfect sense to me that He heard my crying out last night.

God hears, God cares! As Cat Stevens once sang in a song:
Morning has broken, like the first morning
Blackbird has spoken, like the first bird
Praise for the singing, praise for the morning
Praise for the springing fresh from the word.

Happy Spring, my friends.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Monday, March 15

Today is the "Ides of March." For Julius Caesar, back in the year 44, this was not a good day. It has been commemorated as the day that Caesar was assassinated.
For some, today is just another Friday, the beginning of the weekend.
For others, today is the Friday of the ACC Tournament. (Even though it begins on Thursday nowadays)

On Monday, I challenged you to think of Monday as the beginning of a week of opportunities to serve the Lord. Think about it. Have you seen those opportunities? Have you taken advantage of those times and places?

Whether you are traveling a cancer journey or not, we never know when a Jesus moment or a God thing might just show up. Be ready! And then be ready to tell it to others. You don't have to "beward the ides of March." You just need to be aware of the value each day.

Lord, let it begin with Jerry

Monday, March 11, 2013

Monday, March 11

Happy Monday! That's right. Happy Monday. I have not been able to say that for awhile now. For three of these past six weeks we had chemo treatments on Monday. Not today! Today I am actually almost free from the influence of medication. I seem to be thinking clearly - well, as clearly as I usually think. I am still very weak and have a bit of a queasy stomach. I am being reminded by my body that I need to take it a little slower. I'm having a hard time with that, but we can do it.

Today I am thinking of Monday as the beginning of a brand new week of opportunities to serve Him. I wonder how your week would go if you thought of Monday that way. Just wondering.   .  .

Friday, March 8, 2013

Friday, March 8

The phrase "There's no place like home" is more than just words in a movie.
We are so glad to be out of the hospital today, and back home as we continue to recuperate from three chemo treatments and a bacteria infection that I picked up. I am still very underweight and have a long journey ahead. But I have been here before. It was only a year ago that I had to regain my weight and strength. God gave me that strength last year, and as the old song says, 'He'll do it again."

Take a few moments today to reflect on how God has worked in your life in the past. He's still works. I promise.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Thursday, March 7

I am soooo sorry blog family, that I have not blogged as I promised. A lot has happened since last Thursday. We did make it to church on Sunday. I did not even preach, but I felt really worn out. On Monday we went to our regularly scheduled appointment with Dr. Chang. After consultation, she decided to put me in the hospital and to have new scans done. On Tuesday we had scans done. On Wednesday she came in and gave me the best news that any cancer patient can hope to hear. "The scans show no new cancer." No more chemo treatments for now.
We have been rejoicing with praises to the Lord!

We are still in the hospital to get some more fluids. I am also receiving a couple of units of blood because of low hemoglobin, which will give me more energy.

I continue to give Him praise. I know that you who take the time to read this blog care and pray for me. So please continue to keep me in your prayers. When you pray today, give Him thanks and praise and glory.

As we continue our journey together, I promise I will try to be better at keeping you informed.