Thank you for checking in on my blog. The idea of this blog is to keep you up to date on my cancer journey. I will also post some personal thoughts from time to time. Whatever I post, know that it is written with love. Also, know that it might be written with some of my wit. So it might not be grammatically or politically correct.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Monday, April 29

Happy Monday!
I had an extremely blessed weekend. I took advantage of the opportunity to worship without preaching yesterday. We had recording artist Eric Horner lead worship. He is certainly a man of God, and his message and his music witness to that.

Today we cut the pain meds back another 25 mg. We have gone from 75mg to 50 mg and now 25 mg. I should know by Wednesday, when I call Dr. Gray back, if the procedure is being effective.

Also today we went to see our family doctor, Dr. West. He gave us advice on what to do as we cut back on our meds. He is setting up an appointment with another GI specialist. (That's right. I get to see another doctor). Now I know why they call it "practicing medicine." There are so many great minds who have specialized categories. I am thankful for each one. But I know who the great physician is. Fortunately, Dr. West also understands that.

We all know that any talent that any doctor possesses comes from God. In that same thinking, any talent that any of us possess comes from God. I will quote Dr. Atkins. "Death is not the enemy. Living your entire life and not fulfilling the purpose that God put you here on earth to do is the enemy."

Have you used your talent for God today?

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Wednesday, April 24

As I said last week, Dr. Gray at Duke instructed me to call her in one week. (that would be today). I talked to her a few minutes ago. Her next instructions are that I will begin cutting back on any pain meds beginning today. We will know more about the effect this procedure has had. So that is the deal. Each and every day will tell us more and more. I can share with you - honestly and truthfully - that I have physically felt better these past days than I have in months. I pray that we are on the right track, that this nerve issue is not cancer related, and that God will continue to guide Diane and me - oh, and that we will continue to listen to Him and do as He says.

On another personal note: Last night we went to Seven Springs and met a group of about 20 people who are Kayaking down the river from Raleigh to New Bern for Cancer research and awareness through Relay for Life. As it was getting dark, some of our GC folks gathered in a circle to share in a special ritual that they do. These folks are inspirational. What they do for an entire week and 120 plus miles on a Kayak is a very big deal.

However, here is something that I want to share. As I walked up to the area, someone had brought me a chair to sit in. Many folks were standing, but someone remembered that I struggle with standing for a long time. It was a little deed to them, but a big deed to me. Then, as the sun went down the temperature dropped. I was getting cold when I looked up and someone had gone to their vehicle and brought me a blanket to wrap up in. What a blessing! A little deed to them maybe, but a big deed to me.

I don't know if you are the type of person who thinks that you cannot do anything big, so you don't do anything at all. But let me ASSURE you that when you do things for others, there are no little deeds. I believe that in the heart of our Lord, and certainly in the heart of those you help, it's all very special.

So today, think of something little that you can do for someone. It may take some work on your part, as you have to pay attention. But I think that it will be worth it.

Thankful and blessed!

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Saturday, April 20

Happy Saturday blog family,
I need to update you on how I feel since the procedure on Wednesday. Basically Dr. Gray was correct. It will be a few more days until I can tell any difference. I do seem to feel a bit sore inside where the needles went, but soreness is not a big deal. I am still on the pain patch and I am still taking anti-nausea meds.
As for my physical strength, Diane and I try to walk some each week. I think that it helps. I was able to go to North Lenoir High School last night to see my favorite new star actress (Sally Ann) in the Wizard of Oz. She is a five year old ham - and I love it! The entire show was worth the effort.
Also, I am reminded that today is my oldest granddaughter, Maia's birthday. I can hardly believe that she is 13, a teenager. She is very special. She has always been a challenging child. I've got a feeling that, now that she is a teenager, it is only going to get more adventurous in our family.

But listen to me as I rattle on about 'my girls.' God is so good to me. He has given me more than enough motivation to continue and not give up. My friend Lynn Taylor sent me this saying from Rod Gilbert. "Losers visualize the penalties of failure, but winners visualize the rewards of success." I am visualizing and experiencing God's rewards to me already! I am a winner!

In your personal journey, what motivates you to be a winner?

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Wednesday, April 17 (Bonus Edition)

We just got back from Durham. Things went so well that we stopped and ate dinner in Raleigh. That's right, I feel just fine. The procedure that I had was a very simple one. It is very similar to a cortisone shot that you might have had or heard of. The difference is that there were two shots. Each one had to be CT Scan controlled and hitting just the right spot.
Those of you who know me might find it hard to believe that I was awake and watching the monitor the entire time.

It will take a week to 10 days before we get any indication that, 1) this was what was causing the pain. 2) If this works at all.

So, I need more patience. I know that the Lord has some more for me to get from Him. He and I can handle it. Have you ever found yourself in a situation that required more patience?

Wednesday, April 17

Happy Middle of the week day, also known as hump day, blog family,
As you know, this afternoon we will be traveling to Durham to have a nerve block procedure done at Duke Medical Center. Many have asked what this is all about. To tell you the truth, I am not entirely sure. Here is what I do know. Several months ago I began having pains and nausea. The pain was in my abdominal area where my tumor and some other things were removed. Doctors speculate that the pain might be coming from scar tissue around a cluster of nerves in that area. So today, we are going to have a "nerve block" done.
I am not sure how this procedure works. I am not sure what effect, if any, the procedure will have. I do know who does know. (sounds confusing - I do know who does know - but I am sure that you understand) I personally know the One who designed this entire body and knows ALL things.

As I think about it, it is pretty cool to know the One who holds everything in His hands. I am, of all people, most blessed. After all:
It's all about Him!

Do you "personally" know the One? Really?

Monday, April 15, 2013

Monday, April 15th Two blogs for the price of one

Good morning again blog family,
It is not that I woke up this morning with this burst of energy and burning desire to write. It is just that I thought that I should mention April 15th. So I published a blog a few minutes ago. On this one, I want to get off of my soapbox of blasting those poor ignorant politicians.
I want to share with you that I have continued to have some really good days this past week. We did preach both services yesterday. On Saturday, we were able to go to Durham to attend "Bible Drill," which is a Baptist program for young people so that they can learn more about the Bible, how to treat it, and what is in it. It is an awesome program. My granddaughter, Kelli participated and did a great job. We are all proud of her.
When we returned from Durham, we went to Wayne Memorial Drive to participate in "Cures for Colors," which is an outreach of Southeastern Medical Oncology to help fund those who are traveling the cancer journey. We participated in a 100 mile walk/run. We did it as a team with each member completing 5,2 miles. I am so excited that Diane, Gabe, (pushing Sally Ann in a stroller) and I walked the entire loop. Our GC team actually walked/ran 134 miles!

Trust me, I would not have been able to do that just a few short weeks ago. God continues to hear your prayers. Keep praying. I am healed because "It's all about Him!"

Monday, April 15

Happy Monday blog friends,

Today is April 15th - Tax Day. Here is the good news! Jesus Christ is alive and well. Here is the bad news. When Jesus walked on this earth He taught us to render unto Caeser what is Caeser's, and to render unto God what is God's. The reason that this is bad news is that we don't like rendering unto anyone. But what I pray happens is this: We give to God because we love Him. We give to the IRS because we have to. Either way, we can go to sleep at night knowing that we have done what God would have us to do.
One other thing. Think of it this way. If you are not getting a tax refund, then you can know that you were able to keep your money all year. If you are getting a tax refund, then you can know that it was your money in the first place. They are just giving you back what you loaned tem this year. If you are having to pay, then you can know that you have used their money for the past year.

Either way, as stupid and careless as our political leaders are when it comes to spending, I can know that I am blessed to live in the greatest country in the world, and that I support the USA. I will give unto the USA what belongs to the USA. I will tithe to God through the church. And I will pray for both the church and the government to do the right thing with my resources.

But remember: It's all about Him!

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Wednesday, April 10

In the gastrointestinal cancer arena there is a 'cancer indicator number' that you may remember I have talked about in the past (ca19-9). To put this number in perspective, sometimes the oncologists think that this is the most important number known to man. Others put less stock in the indicator accuracy. To put this into perspective, let me give you my ca19-9 history.
A normal number is 40 or less. Three months after surgery, March 2012 , my number was 20. Three months later, June 2012 my number was 70. Now, 70 isn't below 40, but the doctors were not all that concern. In September my number had jumped to over 200, then over 600. In January of this year the number was 1500. After these past three rounds of chemo, from the test a few days ago my number is 94. Ninety-four is still above the "normal." But I have not had a ca19-9 below 100 in over a year! In other words, God is continuing to work in the world of miracles and medication. (I am sure that would make a good sermon title one day - "Miracles and Medication." :-)
Anyway, since this year I have been chosen to serve as adult honorary chair for Wayne County Relay for Life Cancer Awareness. I am honored indeed. But it also gives me the opportunity to spread the gospel - the good news of healing through miracles and medication.
I will be speaking tonight at Daniels Memorial UMC. I will try to keep you informed of upcoming dates.
Loving my '94 because:
It's all about Him.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Monday, April 8

Happy Monday! That salutation may sound a bit strange to folks who hate Mondays and look forward to Fridays. I am sure that I have, in years gone by, felt that same way. But lately I have been careful to thank God for every day. And what is more, I am thanking God not just for the day, but I am thanking Him for this good day.
We have experienced nausea free days lately. (That is a big deal in my world) We also have my pain patch adjusted to the rate that does not make me sick, but masks my pain. This combination, no pain and no nausea, is so refreshing to me that it is hard to explain. I am sure that as time goes by and we get all of my health issues solved, I will once again take days for granted. But for right now . . .
Happy Monday Blog family.
May the Lord share His sunshine with you, both inside and outside, so that you can share His sunshine with others.

Friday, April 5, 2013

Friday, April 5

Happy Friday Blog friends,
As I sit in my study writing this blog, I can see overcast skies outside of my window. BUT, I have heard and read the meteorologists reports that, after today, the skies are going to be clear and we are going to have some beautiful weather for a few days. I suppose that the positive predictions of the experts make cloudy days seem tolerable. Isn't the human mind amazing?
Yesterday we went to our scheduled appointment with Dr. West. He has some thoughts that maybe some of my nausea is coming from the pain meds that I am taking. He made a few adjustments. He is also thinking that my pain is coming from scar tissue wrapped around a cluster of nerves in my abdominal area. So, on Wednesday, April 17th we are going to Duke to have a procedure done to block those nerves.
So, as I sit in my office writing this blog, I still have some discomfort, and I am still taking medication for pain and for nausea. BUT the possibility of a positive, "relatively simple," solution to whatever ails me (and maybe some emotional and mental, as well as physical sunshine, makes the pain and nausea (like cloudy skies) more tolerable.

The deal is - I have hope - and so do you! Read the Bible,  pray, listen for God's voice, or talk to someone you believe to be an 'expert.' Whatever you have to do to realize that you too have hope - do it!

Monday, April 1, 2013

Monday, April 1

Happy Easter Monday Blog friends:
Also, happy "Atheist Day." I don't know if it is official or not, but since the Bible clearly states that "a fool says in his heart that there is no God." (Psalm 14 and Psalm 53), and since today is April Fool's day, I figure that this must be Atheist day. After all, everyone needs a day to celebrate.

This weekend at GC was awesome. I was able to get up and preach Sunrise Service at 6:30 a.m., but it may have been the biggest struggle we have had in a long time. God also allowed me to preach the morning service. He is so good to me! We had a wonderful lunch with family/friends. Then Diane and I came home and crashed into nap time.

The prayer for this week is that I will find out exactly what is causing my digestive system to malfunction. I still have nausea every day, I throw up most days, and my bm is not normal. I am ready to get past this stuff.
Whatever it is, God already knows. I trust Him to take care of me.