Thank you for checking in on my blog. The idea of this blog is to keep you up to date on my cancer journey. I will also post some personal thoughts from time to time. Whatever I post, know that it is written with love. Also, know that it might be written with some of my wit. So it might not be grammatically or politically correct.

Monday, March 31, 2014

Monday, March 31

Update on my cancer journey: last week was one of the worst in a long time,but we kind of expected that,  Dr Chang had warned us that "accumulation" of chemo in my system would likely make the side effects worse. It did. Fatigue and nausea were back, along with some other familiar unpleasantries.
It gets frustrating,even in the minor things in life. Here is an example from the "real world." My Galaxy s3 phone has never worked all that well. In the last two years since I have had it, I have carried it back and complained on several occasions, but to no avail. Well guess what? They recalled some models and mine was one of them. I applied and they promptly sent me another phone.

Listen to this, on Saturday I was feeling bad, but the rule was that I had to switch the phones over within 15 days, so we went to the phone store to do the deal. BUT, I was riding with Diane so I did not bother to carry my wallet with id. AND since Diane's name is not on the account, her id was not valid.
I'm not trying to get political here, but we had to go back home and get my id to switch a phone on, but I could have voted for the most powerful leader in the free world without any id. Hmm.

We did learn a valuable lesson from this. If you are married, the two of you are one. Both of your names should be on everything you have.

Anyway, you can call my cell now. It should work just fine.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Wednesday, March 25

Okay, so when it comes to blogging, I am a little weird. Some weeks I post several times. Some weeks I go several days without posting at all. Bottom line; the length of times between posts have little significance to my health.
Today is a great day to post. I am feeling much, much, better. I have a blessed life. And most of all, my wonderful soul mate is having a birthday today. Most of you don't remember preacher Harrell, who used to call one's spouse their "love mate." I agree. Read the description of love in 1 Corinthians, chapter 13 for the definition of love. I particularly like Paul's last and deciding factor when it comes to love. Love never fails. My love my love mate, Diane.

Update: I did take chemo last Monday. We are getting very close to finishing this series. I am feeling some effects, you've heard them all, a bit stronger these days. But I think that I see the light at the end of the tunnel, and I don't think it is that bright light that people see when they are near death. I think that it is the bright light of God's Sonshine!

Look to Him. It is there.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Monday, March 17

Happy St. Patrick Day. St. Patrick taught the Irish that Christ is all that they need. The luck of the Irish is good. The love of Jesus is better! This is chemo day for me. It is going to be a "love of Jesus" day for me. How about for you?

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Saturday, March 15

In Shakespeare's "Macbeth" the warning was "Beware the ides of March." Today, the 15th, is that annual date. But today, there really is no reason to beware of this, or any other, day. But the famous writer did make a good point. When I am in the midst of some physical battle like back spasms or chemo side effects, it is difficult not to beware of every day. I pray. I know that God hears. I am assured that all is well through Him. Yet, when I am in the fire, it is hard to see the forest for the trees, as someone once said.

Yet today God has given me a break from the pain. My back spasms are almost non-existent today. It has been almost two weeks since chemo, so that part of my physical life is much better. It seems that I can see God's hand more clearly. So is it me, or is it Him?

Here is my good news for today. No matter how I feel, or what I can or cannot see, God is here with me. He loves me in spite of me. I just need to remember that this entire thing is not about me.
It's all about Him! And I sure am glad. Try thinking about that during this season of Lent.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Thursday, March 13

Health update:
We went to see Dr. West this morning concerning my back issues. He gave me a couple of shots that have already helped. I am thankful for doctors like Thad West and people who pray for them. That would be you. Thank you!

Thursday, March 13

This was forwarded to me by my good friend, Kaye Thompson:

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Tuesday, March 11

Talking about mixed emotions, (that is what we were talking about wasn't it?) life is certainly a journey. Life is like the proverbial box of chocolates. You never know what you are going to get.
Today is like that. The weather outside is what we would consider perfect. And yet it was necessary for us to take some time in this perfect weather to officiate the funeral for a close personal friend of mine. So God gave us sunshine in the midst of a clouded sky.
So today it is a day to have mixes emotions. I will remember Mr. Tommy with tears and smiles. I will rejoice in this perfect weather day that The Lord has made. I will have mixed emotions.

But the one thing that never changes - that never gets mixed up - is the love that my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ has for me . . . And you.

Saturday, March 8, 2014

March 8

Wouldn't it be fun if everyone were alike? We would all be one color. We would all have  the political opinions. We would all like our steak cook one certain way. And of course, the most important  point, we would all pull for the Carolina TarHeels.
But alas, that is not the way that God has made us. He has given to us a blessing and a curse, it is called  "free will."
Within that spectrum comes the freedom of choosing to accept Jesus or not. We can choose right from wrong, or love or hate. There are many choices.
Since this is a private blog, I don't mind telling you that you should choose UNC over Duke in the basketball game,

Once you think about it, the answer to my first question is no. It would not be fun if everyone were alike? It would be downright boring. Being a good fan being never wavering from your team. I'm a TarHeel fan, and now and then I pull for NCSU or ECU or NCWeslyan. But I am NEVER a Duke fan. Now that is fun. :-)

We spent a night in the hospital last night. They ran an MRI.
Looks like healing will just take time. Looks like  no cancer related issues,
I am a fan of Dr, Chang, but even a bigger fan of Jesus.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Saturday, March 1

Where did February go?
I figured that I might find the answer in my blog posts so I went to the blog. It was then that I realized that I have lost the last two posts that I had so painstakingly written.
Before the days of instant electronics I always wrote my notes on little pieces of paper; phone numbers, appointments, ect. That was all well and good as long I could find the notes when I needed them. However, I spent more than a few hours asking Diane to help me find one little piece of paper.

Now I know that my information is not safe, even in the cyber world, as if I ever thought differently. This reminds me of the Scripture that advises us to know what we believe. It is an amazing thing to have written words at our disposal. But it is even more amazing to have those words written
in your heart and mind. So, I will try to check my post more often.

Update: I am still taking chemo every other Monday. I will be glad when we take a break, maybe in a couple of more treatments. The side affects are a bit more taxing. I am a bit more fatigued. Diane is getting a bit run down. But we will get through this, one bit at a time.

After multiple tests, we believe that my severe back pain is coming from a muscle strain. It hurts pretty bad, but the cool thing about it is that I have any muscle at all to strain. I thought I was all skin and bones. lol

If you figure out where February went, send me a text, will you? Or write it down, or put it on fb or google+, or . . .